Welcome to day 3 of a 30-day tribute to the history of Duluth's favorite
sons, Bone Appetit. Use the Calendar at right to view days you missed.

April 3 - Get yer Tickets!

So with just 3 basement shows under their belts, Bone Appetit was ready to start making some money. With attendance at the parties growing and kegs of beer not getting any cheaper, it was decided that the only way to control the crowds and to keep the band in new women's pants (literally, not figuratively) was to start charging for drinks.

The first show with tickets was for the party where they released their first CD (more on that very soon), in February of 2000.

Once at the Bone Appetit house, it was doubtful anybody would actually check for your ticket however. Usually a semi-drunk friend was put on door duty while the band stayed out of sight (to build mystique), but they'd usually wander off after a few minutes when their cup would be empty or they got bored.

Later on the band realized that it would be brilliant marketing to say the tickets weren't for drinks, but instead for admission. Therefore they could get away with saying that there would be FREE BEER at the party, you'd just have to pay to get in and see the show.

Bone Appetit's friends and neighbors, Giljunko, joined them for a rather infamous house party in September of 2000. You can read about it here.


APRIL 2006
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Love, Lust, and Rock n' Roll
Download the entire album
FREE in MP3s

BONE APPETIT will play
on Friday Night, May 5th
at 12:30AM at RT Quinlan's.

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